The Dance Company

Join us for our AUDITIONS for our 2024/25 Nationals Dance Company! May 14th and 15th…
6-10yrs – Wed 5/14 – 5:15-6:30pm
11-13yrs – Thurs 5/15 – 4:45-6:15pm
14yrs and Up – Thurs 5/15 – 6:30-8:15pm

Congratulations to our
2022-2023 Company!
Winner of Best of Show and
The Top Scoring Studio at
Encore Nationals!

The Dance Company is for dancers wishing to take their dance training beyond recreational dancing – with more intensive classes, competitions, additional performances and the opportunity to be part of a close, tight knit community of people who share a dedication to and love of DANCE!! Please email for more information. Click on the link above to fill out an audition form today! 

COMPANY LEVELS: To allow for different levels of commitment, competition, focus and dance experience, we have FIVE levels within The Company:
– Pre-Company (for our youngest dancers)

– Silver Company (lowest commitment level)
– Iris Company
– Onyx Company (for our most dedicated dancers)
– Pre-Professional Company  (Performance only, Ages 12yrs and Up)
All Company Levels, except Pre-Company and our Pre-Professional Company, will compete at least twice per year (with the Iris and Onyx Companies attending at least 3-4 regional and Nationals every other year, along with optional conventions and additional competitions. Company Dancers will have several optional conventions to attend each year (Hollywood Vibe, Soul de Soul and Radix to name a few). You will receive the Competition/Company Schedule in August for the entire season (through August – June).
The difference between Silver, Iris, Onyx and Pre-Professional Companies is:
1. The amount of technique classes required
2. The rehearsal time required
3. The number of competitions/conventions they will attend
4. Technical level and experience
We have these leveled groups in order to provide a space for all our Company Dancers to grow at an appropriate pace, and one that can be more tailored to meet their specific needs, goals and commitment level.
For Up To Date Company Content, please follow us on Instagram and Facebook (@gracestudiosschoolofdance)

Company Dancers must participate in Summer Intensives and make their weekly Company and Technique Classes a TOP Priority. 

2018-2019 Company Highlights… we started off the competitive season with a bang at Rainbow National Dance Competition in Colorado Springs! Taking home at least top 5, if not 1st, 2nd and 3rd in almost every division and age group we entered! Our Juniors placed 1st, 3rd and 4th with their dances “Wait”, “‘Til It’s Gone” and “Sing” for small groups, and 1st and 2nd with their dances “Bills” (which also took home the “Video of the Year” award for Bills) and “Life Goes On”, and winning first and second overall in Div. 2 with “Coming Home” and “Cabin Fever”. The Teens killed it in both the Stars of Tomorrow and Rising Stars Divisions, winning first overall with “Slack Jaw” in the small groups and “Have You Heard” and “Lola” going 1st and 2nd in the large groups. Seniors were also stunning, winning 1st overall for both small and large groups with “Goodnight Chicago” and “Ghosts That We Knew”. First and Second place solos and duos/trios for Sofia S, Kyra S, Georgie/Devin, McKenna/Raleigh, Kira/Gracie, Aries/Brenna, Sam/India/Kaylie, Raleigh G, Caroline R, Briezy B, and Sam B. For full Competition Results for all the competitions, CLICK HERE

2017-2018 Company Highlights…
Hollywood Vibe – Juliana P. won Top 5 with her Solo
Rainbow – Winner – Production/Line with “Peace Out”
Top 5 Placement in every age division of Stars of Tomorrow and Rising Stars!
Showstopper – First Place Wins for Georgia and Devin w/ their duet “Hogwarts Express”, Juliana P w/her solo, Sam A and Madelyn w/their duet “Earth”, and Top 5 Finishes w/every group piece we competed!
Groove – Winner of both Novice and Advanced Divisions of All Age Categories for solos! (Including First Juniors Gracie H and Juliana P, and Teen Winners Briezy B and Allie K)
Amp – First Place, Choreography and Judge’s Choice “Blown Speaker” for Georgia and Devin w/their duo.
Encore – First Place Finishes for “Chaplin Rag”, “Peace Out”, “1.21 Gigawatts”, “Flowers In Your Hair”, “500 Miles”, and “Steampunk Swing”, plus the studio won the “Dance Ambassador Award”!
KAR – Elite Top First for almost every dance we brought! First place finishes for I Simply Cannot Do It Alone, 500 Miles, Dream a Little Dream and more!!!
Encore Nationals – National Titles for our Mini Onyx (“Chaplin Rag”), Junior Onyx (“Sweet Caroline”), Teen Onyx (2nd Place w/Harmonica Man), Teen (“Steampunk Swing) Jr Line/Production “Peace Out”. Best In Show Runner Up for “1.21 Gigawatts”… 6 Dances in the Grand Slam!!! “Juicy Beats”, “Tears Dry”, “Rain Dance”, “1.21 Gigawatts”, “Dream A Little Dream” and “Peace Out”
National Studio Ambassador Winner! Overall Solo Titles for Talia (Senior Div 2 Winner) and Christina P (Teen Div 2 Winner). 2nd Place Overall for Melanie (Teen Div 2) and Juliana P (Teen Div 2), and Raleigh (Teen Div 1). CONGRATULATIONS GSSD!!!

2016-2017 Company Highlights…
RAINBOW – Overall High Point Winners for Teen Solos, Senior Solos, Junior Duo/Trios, Senior Duo/Trios, Junior Groups, Teen Groups, Senior Groups as well as winning the People’s Choice Award for Senior Hip Hop and
The Overall Studio Excellence Award!
SHOWSTOPPER – Overall High Point Winners for Junior Solos, Junior Duo/Trios (First – Third Place), Junior Groups!
BELIEVE – Overall High Point Winners for Junior Solos and Teen Solos
THUNDERSTRUCK – Overall High Point for Senior Solos, Senior Duo/Trio
and Senior Groups!
TALENT ON PARADE – Overall High Point Winners for Junior Groups, Junior Duo/Trio, and Teen Solos! Also, Top 5 Winners for Junior Solos, Junior Duo/Trio, Junior Groups, Teen Groups. Also, Category Cup Winners (highest scoring in a category over all divisions) for Junior Tap and Junior Jazz; several Judge’s Choice Awards and Scholarship Winners!
ENCORE – Overall High Point Winners for Junior Duo/Trios, Junior Small Groups Div. 2, Junior Large Groups Div. 1, Teen Large Group Div 1 and Div 2, Senior Large Group Div 2 and Div 3, as well as multiple scholarship and elite dancer awards.

CONGRATULATIONS to the 2015-2016 Company! Winning The Division 1 Title, Best In Show (Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Company Tap Production), Overalls in every division and age group, and Senior Performer of the Year (Talia Brennan) at Encore Nationals in Dallas was such an honor! Way to raise the roof, GSSD Company!

Congratulations to the 2014-2015 Company Dancers! There were so many accomplishments and accolades, it’s too hard to list them all. A few highlights include attending the 24/Seven Dance Convention, Top Ten Solo Finishers (in their respective age groups): Talia Brennan, Julia Hansen, Reese Papke, Christina Perez, Amber Weissman, Kayla Allen, Hannah Carande, Natalie Wilson, India Turner, Victoria Becker and Taylor Cain. Junior Division Winners : “Three Little Birds” and “Dear Future Husband”, Senior Division Winners: “Streets With No Name” and Division 1 Title Winner / High Point “Stay Classy”. Bravo, dancers!

The Minis with Twitch

The 2013-2014 Season for the SDC was one of our most successful seasons ever! The studio won Overalls at every local competition we attended. Highlights include the Junior Company winning First Place overall at every competition they attended with either their jazz dance (“Dance With Me Tonight”) or their tap dance (“Bellhop Boogie”); the Pre-Teen Companies won several Top 5, including wins for their lyrical dance (“Gone”) and their music theatre piece (“Telephone Hour 2.0”); the Teen groups also received many Top 5 wins with their dances, including for their Hip Hop (“A Disturbance in the Force”). The Seniors crushed it all year, Winning Overalls at each competition including for “Pompeii”, “Yolo Heads”, “Me and Julio”, “Cold Hearted Snake”, “The Way You Make Me Feel” and “Bohemian Rhapsody”. The ’13-’14 Company also attended Nationals in Anaheim with the Spotlight Dance Cup and won Top 5 Nationals Titles with “Dance With Me Tonight”, “Yolo Heads” and “Bohemian Rhapsody”. We are proud of all the hard work and growth the company showed this year – Bravo Dancers!

2014 Nationals was AWESOME! Congrats to all our dancers. Making the FINAL SHOWCASE was “Dance With Me Tonight”, “Yolo Heads” and “Bohemian Rhapsody”. We had such an amazing time at the Spotlight Nationals at Disneyland. Congratulations on a banner year at GSSD! We are so proud of you all!

Grace Da_028


At the OnStage New York Competition, GSSD won several MAJOR Studio Awards! We were proud to receive the “Class Act” Award for the studio, as well as the “Versatility Award” for being the most diverse and versatile studio in attendance! Both studio awards earned $150. GSSD also walked away with:
“Never A Bride” – The Entertainment Award for the Senior Division, Outstanding Concept, First Place Senior Small Groups, First Place Overall Senior Division
“Little Lion Man” – Stage Presence Award
“Happy” – Outstanding Expression (Lexie’s Solo)
“Closer To Fine” – Top Scoring Teen Large Group
“Monsters, Inc”and “Bookworms” – Best Costume Award
Georgie and Devin (“Rock This Town”) – “Best Partnering” Judge’s Choice, “Best Smiles” Judge’s Choice, “Dynamic Duo” Judge’s Choice and 1st Place Overall 8 & Under Duo/Trio
“Heaven” – Outstanding Energy
“Mary Poppins” – Highest Scoring Hip Hop, 1st Place Overall all Teen Division
Top 5 Placement Overall (in their age divisions) for “Slumber Party”, “Rolling Stone”, “Grace”, “Happy” Lexie’s Solo, “Turntables” Amber’s Solo, “I Got a Woman”, “Overprotected”, “Whodunit”, “Bom Bom Bom”, “Money”, “Closer To Fine”, “Sir Duke” Gavi’s solo, “Say…”,”Gossip Girls”, “Monsters, Inc”
Top 10 Placement Overall (in their age divisions) for “Good Morning”, “Tightrope”, “Heaven”, “Wildest Moments”, “Whodunit?”
Highest Scoring Tap Minis – “Bom Bom Bom”
Highest Scoring Hip Hop Minis – “Slumber Party”
Highest Scoring Hip Hop Juniors – “Monsters, Inc”
Highest Scoring Jazz Juniors – “Gossip Girls”
Highest Scoring Jazz Teen – “Rolling Stone”
Highest Scoring Contemporary Teen – “Grace”
Highest Scoring Specialty Teen – “Closer To Fine”

The Company competed at Nexstar National Talent Competition and won several awards including TOP 5 finishes for:
“Never A Bride” – Platinum, also won the Performance Award for the Teen and Senior Divisions
“Mary Poppins” – Platinum – and the HIGHEST SCORING DANCE for ALL dances 12 and Up (AND WILL ALSO BE FEATURED IN A NATIONAL MAGAZINE!)
“Say What You Need To Say” – Won the Choreography Award
“Mad Hatter” – Brooke Newell solo
“Slumber Party” – Platinum and Top Score for 9-11 yrs Large Group and Judges Choice Award
“Whodunit” – Top 5
Top 10 for – “Not Fragile” duo, “A Team” duo, “Heaven”, “Closer To Fine”
“Falling Slowly” – Judges Choice Award

Congratulations on an AWESOME first competition of the 2012-2013 Season!
Highlights include:
Divisional Wins for: Talia and Grace, Georgie and Devin, Kayla, Teen Hip Hop, Senior Tap II, and Senior Jazz
Top 5 In Division for : Brooke N, Lexie H, Teen Jazz II and the Minis
Video of the Year for Starz of Tomorrow: The Minis “Bookworm”